Monday, June 24, 2019

#WalkAway Series, No. 2 | Political Correctness | Frog Boiling | Catholic Perspective

In the first video of this series, I discussed the censorship and silencing of Republicans/conservatives by the extreme leftist agenda. In this second video, I explore my experience with political correctness, beginning during my college years in the late 1980s. I believe that the PC Mafia that has since gained tremendous force is the vehicle by which the silencing of traditional, conservative views and values has taken place. 

Words are powerful, and the PC agenda has used the hijacking of language to control people's thoughts and behaviors.  I relate this to the concept of "frog boiling," in which a frog put in cold water that is gradually heated to boiling will not jump out to save itself. We've become desensitized to the manipulation of the Democratic Party and the liberal media. The political correctness that once seemed to be a benign seeking of justice has evolved into a radical, ideological oppression. 

Many pieces of the big picture have been put into place through politically correct control tactics. The next topic I will explore is one of these prime movers, feminism. As a woman, I can speak to this topic through personal experience. But one effect of feminism has been the silencing of men. I look forward to hearing the views of both sexes on this provocative topic!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Trinity Sunday | A Big Thank-You to My Readers

Happy Feast of the Most Holy Trinity! And happy Father's Day to all the good men of God. We're having yet another day of rain in northern Ohio, but I was gifted with a ray of sunshine this morning and am filled with gratitude. 

A couple of days ago I made a YouTube video about the #WalkAway Campaign, which you can view and read about in the previous post. I happened to be on Facebook when a comment notification appeared in the corner of my screen, but it wasn't clear where it was coming from. I went here to the blog but didn't see any notice of a new comment. On a whim I checked to see if there was anything awaiting approval. It turned out that the comment on the #WalkAway post was made at YouTube itself, but in my blog box I found a whole bunch of thoughtful remarks from readers that I had no idea were there! Apparently the notifications feature hasn't been working for some time. 

I feel so encouraged by all the women who took the time to respond to my writing in such lovely ways. What especially struck me is that my articles resonate with both Protestants and Catholics. One of my missions is to work for Christian unity, and I feel affirmed that I'm on the right track. The Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is our model for Christian unity. We are one in the Spirit, as the song goes!

Another thing that really stood out was that these women could disagree with me on certain points in a generous and gracious way. I always welcome divergent views. What I don't tolerate are personal attacks on myself, other individuals, or groups of people. I think most of us get really discouraged on social media, because expressing any strong opinion, or calling out the ugliness we're bombarded with, often results in a vitriolic reaction. To have people respond to my blog in the overwhelmingly positive way that they have does my heart so much good.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who takes the time to read Organic Mothering, and especially to those who have let me know that they support my mission and have received help and inspiration from my words. Finding this gift of your comments today has reinvigorated me to continue this work with confidence. Please be patient as I gradually go through them with my replies. Godspeed!!

Friday, June 14, 2019

#WalkAway Campaign No. 1 | Political Party vs. Ideology | Liberal Silencing of Conservatives

Yesterday I was under the weather and spent way too much time on YouTube. But a fortuitous thing happened. I discovered the #WalkAway Campaign, a movement of former liberals who have taken the "red pill" regarding what the Democratic Party is really all about. The first video I watched is an interview with the founder of the campaign, Brandon Straka, a gay man from NYC, and two other leaders of the group. They discuss the massive rejection and hatred they encountered over switching to the conservative Trump camp. As minorities, it was expected that they be liberal Democrats. They thought they had no choice. This is the most intelligent discussion I've heard on these topics. It's a must-see:

I also watched a fascinating #WalkAway documentary featuring black Americans who feel deceived and betrayed by the Democratic Party. It begins with Brandon's testimonial video that went viral:

A common theme among the #WalkAway stories is that people felt intimidated into silence. Now they are courageously "coming out" as former liberals who have seen the light. I'm not on Instagram, but I joined the Facebook group. You can go to the website at for more information and testimonials. 

This is the first video I plan to share in a series on breaking the silence being imposed on conservatives by the socialist left and showcasing various elements of the big picture. I invite you to take the red pill (ask Wikipedia about the 1990s movie, "The Matrix," if you have no idea what I'm talking about!) with me and get at the truth. The truth will set us free, and our freedom as Americans is exactly what is at stake.

Additional note: A viewer brought to my attention that I wasn't clear on a couple of points in the video. Unfortunately I don't have technical editing skills, and I've heard from other youtubers that it takes several hours to edit a video, so I'm going to leave it as it is. When I mention the Catholic Church's official teaching on marriage (which is the same in some other Christian denominations), and how those views, even when expressed respectfully and without malice, are not allowed, but are viciously attacked by the media and the liberal PC police; I am NOT meaning to say that homosexual people are any less Christian than anyone else. I didn't even present my personal opinion on gay marriage, but used this as an example of the silencing of conservatives. What I did specifically mean to imply is that as a Christian, I cannot in good conscience vote for a Democratic candidate due to that party's extreme pro-abortion agenda. For me, that issue trumps (pun may or may not be intended!) any others at this point. I do see the Democratic party and liberal media as promoting a culture of death and destruction. That does not mean that I villainize everyone who votes Democrat. I clearly stated that I believe there is evil on both sides. The silencing, however, appears very one-sided. I hope that clears up any misunderstanding! I really did try to be sensitive and clear, so please forgive my imperfections.