Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How to Advocate for Your Own Health | Good-bye Wal-Mart

Early on in the coronavirus pandemic, God took my fear about getting sick entirely away. But more recently, I've suffered anxiety over the threat of mask mandates, amongst all the other horrors raging across the country. Last Tuesday, I had a terrible feeling that Ohio Governor Mike DeWine was going to mandate masks in public, for everyone across the state. His usual press conference  was postponed till the following day. By the time I got home on Wednesday and had access to the news, he had already made his emperor's mask decree. Not only was I not surprised, but I realized that my anxiety was gone. This should not have surprised me either, because I had been praying about it for some time. However, we have to allow God to work in our lives, and likely I had been holding on to the illusion of control.

I knew exactly what I had to do. His majesty had graciously given health exemptions to the mask wearing, but as usual, he had provided no guidance on how to ensure being allowed into stores and other service providers. Would I need a doctor's note? My research told me that under the Americans with Disabilities Act, businesses could not discriminate against those who are not able to wear masks due to health conditions. They would have to provide some sort of accomodation if they were going to refuse business to those without masks, such as curbside pick-up. 

Before the governor's mandate went into effect last Thursday at 6:00 p.m., I had already visited local businesses in person, and called ahead to my chiropractor's office to make sure I could come in without a mask. One store told me that it was up to the health department to enforce the mandate. Another told me that to protect employees from potentially angry, violent customers, they weren't going to question anyone about it! I've been in contact with three church pastors. So far, my family and I are going to have no trouble entering any of the public places that we usually frequent. I got curbside prescription pick-up today from my pharmacy. 

Advocating for oneself is extremely empowering. I didn't have to argue with anyone. In fact, I have received nothing but support for the protection of my health. My teenage daughter is not going to wear a mask either. She has health exemptions too, so I have advocated for her. My husband hasn't encountered any resistance, and he didn't even talk to anyone first. 

Here's how I look at it. I happen to be a person who can claim physical health exemptions from mask wearing. The governor also gave mental health exemptions, and in either case, one should not be required to divulge the nature of one's disabilities. As far as I'm concerned, if you believe that wearing a mask is a threat to your physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual health, you should not have any qualms about claiming an exemption. I'm not telling anyone that they should or should not wear a mask. I simply believe that our freedoms are being egregiously stripped away across the country, under false pretenses. People need to be courageous and make their own choices.

The one place that we shop that I can foresee having an issue with is Wal-Mart, especially since they mandated masks at all their stores before DeWine's pronouncement. So, I made one last trip there, and will not be returning until they lift their mask requirements. This means being more self-sufficient in regard to food, so I will be making weekly trips to the farmers market and cooking more from scratch. I'll wean my family away from the frozen and canned, packaged foods. Bake my own bread. Rely less on stores in general. In any case, we can get by just fine without Wal-Mart! 

My guess is that we'll see even more illness of all kinds in the fall, as a direct result of all the stress and "safety" measures being repeatedly recommended and forced over COVID-19. It behooves us all to get as healthy as possible and to form like-minded communities for support. There is no time for delay. Be proactive now. Make community connections now. Reach out and talk to people, because a lot of folks are not vocal and feel timid about standing up for their beliefs and advocating for their health and rights. It's time to get out from behind our screens and fully embrace life!

I wrote back in late April about moving on from the coronavirus; but the media and government officials have made that nearly impossible. Once we have advocated for ourselves and our families and are doing what we can to create fulfilling, free, normal, and even extraordinary lives, I believe that we can begin to move on. My feeling now is that I don't want to continue giving energy to the chaos, so I'll be calling less attention to it. I won't be mentioning the coronavirus or the mandates much anymore. In this way, I believe, if enough people detach themselves from the negativity, the wind will naturally die out of the COVID sails. What I will be sharing instead are the things I am refocusing my energy on, for the sake of my own health and that of my family, in the hope that it will be an encouragement to others. Your reality in great measure depends upon where you put your focus. Godspeed, Rita Michele

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Occult Ritual Transformation and the Coronavirus

St. Michael the Archangel

"But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us. We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh... Wherefore we do not lose heart."
(2 Cor. 4: 7-11, NABRE... 16, Confraternity Version)
I recently visited a local farmers market and had an illuminating conversation with one of the vendors there. Something I said prompted her to ask me if I was afraid of the coronavirus (no) and if I was a Christian (yes). She then shared with me about an internet article she had read on the satanic origin of the mask mandates and other "safety" measures we've been plied with over the past four months. 

If you follow this blog, you know that I pray and read the Bible, seeking discernment of the truth from the Spirit of Wisdom. I pray  
to know when information is correct and when it's erroneous or deceptive. When I stay close to God and receptive to him, rather than trying to figure things out for myself, which leads to confusion and anxiety, I find that the answers I need are revealed. 

It took me no time at all today, without being given a link for the article or its title, to find exactly what the woman at the farmers market was telling me about. She provided so many details that I knew the article as soon as I saw it. It's a long read, but I strongly suggest taking the time to read the entire thing: 

I'm not necessarily convinced that there is a masterminded conspiracy to lead us to a "new world order," but I have already written about my coronavirus cult theory in the previous post, and I'm now convinced that there is a satanic influence at work here. I've been objecting to mandated masks mostly in terms of the dangers to the health of the wearer, and the lowered immune response being created by their widespread use. Based on the best scientific and medical information I can find, I don't believe masks are an effective defense against this coronavirus. 

I do think the mandates represent government overreach, and on Thursday Ohio Governor Mike DeWine mandated masks in public across the state, even in counties in the "yellow," which is the case with my county. Health exemptions were given, but no guidance as to how to ensure being allowed into stores and other businesses without a mask. In addition to all of these objections, I believe that a religious exemption is in order, and that the most prevalent danger of mask wearing is to the soul. 

Christians need to come together to fight for religious freedom. The next post will elaborate on how I've been proactive in my community to protect the health and well-being of myself and my family. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Coronavirus Cult | 4 Tactics of Cult Recruiting We See Brainwashing America

As the debates over the coronavirus and the war of the masks rage on, as government officials continue to double down on measures to "slow the spread" which seriously threaten personal freedom, especially health autonomy, the idea continues to grow on me that what we're seeing is a veritable cult situation. I'm calling this the "coronavirus cult," or "coronacult" for short. 

Before continuing, please read this article on the four psychological techniques used by cults to recruit members. It's uncanny how our current American situation fits with them. 

Step 1 is picking the right target. It's important to note that people who have been brainwashed are not by nature stupid or mentally unstable. They typically begin as normal, psychologically healthy human beings. Under the right circumstances and because people tend to be gullible, anyone can get sucked in. "The most susceptible to recruitment are stressed, emotionally vulnerable, have tenuous or no family connections, or are living in adverse socioeconomic conditions." That perfectly describes basically everyone during the coronavirus lock downs!  

The cult recruit is enticed with approval or the promise of some fulfilling understanding of the universe. This came with the promise in the beginning that the lock downs would be temporary, a mere few weeks, and were necessary in order for doctors and scientists to get a handle on the nature and origin of this novel coronavirus. This seemed like wisdom early on, but as the semi-quarantine of healthy people and the lock downs continued, the signs of a cult began to emerge. The promised understanding of COVID-19 did not occur. We received "scientific" information and recommendations that changed daily, and today there is more confusion than ever regarding the truth about the numbers of cases and deaths, treatments for the disease, and what does and doesn't work to help prevent the spread. Despite what the company line keeps insisting, there is no "scientific consensus"! So let's look at how the cult hooks you, and how these steps are revealed in "the new normal."

Step 2 is love-bombing. Examples of love-bombing which quickly came to mind were the "we're all in this together" type mantras; the high praise from some governors about how great a job their residents were doing to "flatten the curve"; and the media ego stroking regarding how self-sacrificing and caring were the folks doing all they could to keep from "killing grandma."

Step 3 is isolation. This one is so obvious as to not require commentary, but let's recap. We saw the end of mass gatherings for plays, graduations, weddings, funerals, movies, religious services, recreational activities, and just about anything else you can think of. In some states and cities even churches were forcibly closed. Schools and businesses, except for those deemed "essential," were shut down. Everyone was admonished not to visit with friends or family outside of their own household members. In the event that you had to go out, you must keep a distance of six feet from any other person. People in hospitals and nursing homes had very little to no access to loved ones, many dying alone (and without the sacraments). In cities such as Chicago, there were even mandates regarding how long an individual person could be driving in their car or walking alone outside! We were encouraged to live in absolute fear of one another.

"Newspapers, books, TV, and web access are all censured, ensuring that the only reality the recruit gets to experience is the one presented by the cult."  This fits our reality perfectly as well. We are isolated from any information or opinion that does not fit the party line. For example, hundreds of doctors and scientists all over the world, as well as personal protection equipment specialists in the field, disagree with universal mandates for face mask wearing in public places. The ones who manage to start to make a difference by presenting the truth are quickly labeled frauds and conspiracy theorists, their videos removed from public forums. The mainstream media is purposely complicit in keeping us under control by continuous repetition of the cult narrative, which leads us to the last step.  

Step 4 is keeping control. "By keeping cult members totally off balance..., cults increase their members' dependency on the leader, ensuring they retain control. The exhausting, frozen state of 'terror and avoidance' overwhelms cult members and their ability to think critically about the ideology they've suddenly committed themselves to... Broadly, cults retain control over their members by controlling the narrative. Dissenting voices offer a landmark to cult members that they can use to situate themselves and find their way back to objective reality."  The mantras I have quoted throughout this post are subtle control tactics used by the mainstream media and government leaders, ie., the new normal, flatten the curve, stop the spread, we're all in this together, wear a mask, killing grandma, social distancing, wash your hands, stay safe.

We are being kept under control by threats to shut down the economy again if people don't obey the Emperors' and Empress' recommendations and mandates. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has made it clear that if we don't "slow the spread" by each and every one of us following his protocol, especially the mask wearing, and even in counties where there is no epidemic, he may be forced to put us back into isolation. As I alluded in the previous post, his recent speech strongly suggested that we voluntarily self-isolate. 

And how about the shaming? I've seen videos of people screeching at and video recording others not wearing face masks in stores. There is similar shaming on social media, with a bullying tone and not-so-subtle suggestion that anyone not wearing a mask is an idiot. It reminds me of the pod people in the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" movie. When a person is discovered who is not yet converted, the pod person points and screams at a high pitch, and all the other alien pod people come running to abduct the human.

In this article, Fr. Kevin M. Cusick also uses the term coronavirus cult: https://thewandererpress.com/catholic/news/our-catholic-faith/a-leaven-in-the-world-coronavirus-cult-vs-christianity/
He writes, "One would be forgiven for suspecting that the motive here is not health, but in some instances social control. When public safety rests upon shifting opinion rather than fact, there is the potential for a cult. When people’s fears are exploited for manipulation, and risk is enabled by irresponsible advice, superstitions can run rampant."

I think I've made a very strong case that the citizens of America have been sucked en masse into a dangerous cult. In future posts I hope to offer some solutions to getting back your ability to think critically and open your mind to alternative ideas, facts, and opinions, so that you will not be blown about by the changing winds of this coronacult narrative. We will discuss how you can take more responsibility for your personal health, how you can fight for health autonomy, how to strengthen your spiritual life, and how to grow a like-minded community of support.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Gov. DeWine Fails to Encourage Better Personal Health Habits

Yesterday, July 15, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine gave an impassioned speech to encourage the state's residents to double down on their efforts to "slow the spread" of COVID-19. Although he did concede that mask wearing alone would not be enough to battle the virus, the emphasis was undeniably on this one measure. 

I do believe that Gov. DeWine truly cares about Ohio, as do I. I've lived in this state for my entire life. He is making decisions based on the information and scientific "consensus" that he thinks is best. I admire all of his hard work and positive attitude throughout this entire ordeal. He took quick action in March and has held regular briefings to provide Ohioans with updates ever since. He has allowed protests and, until recently, did not mandate mask wearing in public places, except for employers and employees. (Masks are now mandated in public for everyone living in counties in the "red zone" of his color coding system.) Religious services have always been exempt from the mandates for mass gatherings.

DeWine's tone yesterday seemed to be an attempt at a fatherly approach, trying to be gentle while admonishing the children that they have dropped the ball and need to quit being slackers. The standard parental guilt trip was applied as well. He even played the "killing grandma" card! The pat on the back was given for how well Ohioans rose to the challenge at the start of the pandemic, but now we need to not only wear the masks in public and social distance, we should also go back to isolating ourselves from one another. You know, so we don't kill grandma. 

A neighborly barbeque is too much of a risk. Does he want to keep the economy recovering, and keep people from going insane, or not? We go to grocery stores, hardware stores, shopping malls, work places, fitness centers, and the list goes on. But don't have a family reunion? At least he didn't try to shame us out of going to church. 

The thing is, we were told by credible doctors with immunity expertise that a spike in cases would happen once the country opened back up. Remember California doctors Erickson and Massihi, the urgent care physicians on the front lines that the radical left and mainstream media dismissed as frauds, because they are conservatives? All over social media, their video was taken down, their professional opinion, as immunity experts, silenced.

The good doctors told us that because healthy people had been quarantined, isolated from one another, staying mostly indoors, social distancing, not being exposed to microbes necessary for our health, wearing masks, and all that jazz, people's immunity functioning would be very low, causing an increased vulnerability to pathogens. We would then see a dramatic rise in illnesses. These doctors have now been vindicated. Yet the blame is being squarely placed on people not wearing masks. 

Zach Bush, MD, one of the rare triple board certified doctors in the USA, has said that by wearing the masks, we are killing ourselves. He is not the only one. Doctors have come up with effective treatments for their patients and are saving lives, yet this information has been withheld from the general public. OSHA trained PPE specialists have warned that the widespread mask mandates among people who haven't had the proper health screening and training on mask use are dangerous and potentially deadly. Yet here again, important information the public has a right to is not provided by government officials or the mainstream media. 

And Governor DeWine failed, as have all the high profile doctors on the case, to encourage the one thing that would absolutely improve our situation. That is, to take responsibility for our personal health habits. The USA is a notoriously unhealthy country. We have an obesity epidemic, even among children. Our people smoke, overindulge in alcohol, suffer from alarming rates of drug addiction, are largely sedentary, don't get enough exercise, fresh air, sleep, or sunshine; eat too much junk food and are nutrition deprived, work too much and have high stress levels and crappy relationships. If we had taken better care of ourselves in the first place, and if we had quarantined only the high risk and sick people, we would not be in the royal mess we are in--although the whole question of increasing cases is subject to debate in regard to how much of the rise is due to exponentially more testing, and the death rate keeps going down. 

Why aren't we being told to slim down, quit eating so much sugar and junk, eat nourishing foods, get outside in the sun and fresh air, reduce our stress (the media encourages stress!), exercise, take a vitamin and mineral supplement, especially zinc and vitamins C and D, get enough sleep, and spend time--in person--with loved ones with whom we have healthy relationships??? The trinity of excellent health and a strong immune system is comprised of good sleep, food, and exercise habits. God designed us to be social creatures. Hugs are proven to promote good health. Happy relationships reduce stress. Contact with others and the microbes that are necessary for our health is key to managing this crisis. It seems all the wrong things are being promoted, and people are obeying the narrative like followers of a cult. (The "coronavirus cult" will be a future topic, so stay tuned!)

Since I can't control other people, places, or things, I am choosing to focus on my own personal health and that of my family as a whole. I'm doing the things proven to support good health. It's not too late for folks to develop better health habits and for it to make a difference in the number of hospitalizations and deaths. We should have been encouraged to do the right things back in March. We should have been told that this virus is a wake up call, that we need to live better. We need to change the way we grow food and produce meat and dairy products. We need to stop producing so much air pollution from both city industries and chemical farming (Roundup) in rural areas. We need to stop killing ourselves with our lifestyle so we will be strong enough to deal with an epidemic. We need to encourage herd immunity. 

Mask wearing is a psychological bandage at best, for most people in most cases, and is already causing injury and could lead to death. It hasn't been proven to help. What if it's significantly contributing to sickness? I encourage everyone to fight for health freedom and to take personal responsibility for the state of your own health!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Spiritual Art of Detachment | Triggered by the Masks

I first learned about detachment as a member of the Al-Anon 12 Step groups for friends and family of alcoholics. I was an active member for 10 years, and the topic of detachment came up frequently. The principles and practices of Alcoholics Anonymous are based upon traditional Christianity, though the organization and its affiliates are autonomous groups with no religious affiliation. 

Detachment is difficult to both define and to practice. In the 12 Step groups, it's usually applied to emotionally distancing oneself from the problems and behaviors of another person. It isn't about not caring or going numb; we are supposed to feel our feelings and detach with love. 

Say, for example, that your spouse comes home drunk and passes out in the bathroom. You could lie awake for hours stewing in fear or anger, plotting the tongue lashing you're going to give him when he wakes up. Or, practicing detachment, you could check to make sure he's breathing okay, cover him up with a blanket, say a prayer, and go to sleep. You'll wait until he has sobered up to talk to him and will keep control of your own emotions and actions. 

Lately I've found that rather than needing to practice detachment with a particular person, it's the events of the outside world that are causing me anxiety, which could easily lead to obsession. Obsessive thinking, the desire for control, and an overly developed sense of responsibility are typical issues for the Al-Anon person.

I found myself worrying about people at Mass last evening, so many wearing masks, and knowing that it isn't healthy for them. I feel very disturbed with all the mask wearing, both forced and voluntary; loads of yellow caution tape in public places; and intense arguments and contradictory information in the news and on social media about COVID-19. Add to that the issues of civil unrest, murders, rapes, robbery, and destruction happening at the hands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and the debates surrounding all that. Top the bitter cake with the mismanagement of government officials in all of these areas, in many cases their blatant encouragement of mob rule, and we have a perfect storm of widespread insecurity and a desperate fight to preserve our safety, rights, and freedom. I will be shocked if it doesn't all rage to a volcanic explosion the likes of Pompei. 

The art of spiritual detachment seems nearly impossible to practice with the intense, prolonged, and multiple stresses we are all facing. Our own personal issues are quite enough to deal with. Adding so much extra baggage from the outside is too much of a burden for anyone. Sanity will not be possible without detachment. 

I will continue to explore detachment in subsequent posts, but for this one, I've gathered the memes to help define the concept, which is what one has to do before putting it into practice. Detachment really must begin with daily prayer and the Bible, or at least conscious contact with a "higher power." I highly recommend the Rosary. I have found that it not only calms me, but gives me clarity and stabilizes my thoughts and emotions. 

I hope you have found this helpful. Godspeed, Rita Michele

Friday, July 3, 2020

The Freedom of Having No Clothes Dryer


A couple of weeks ago, my clothes dryer suddenly stopped working. The load in the dryer tumbled, but the dryer didn't get hot. I had already washed another load, so now I had two wet loads! I don't have an outdoor clothes line because of allergies, and we additionally have a lot of dirt in the air coming off our road, which was torn up for sewer reconstruction. 

Fortunately, after my husband's dad passed away, he brought home a large wooden drying rack from his house. I also have hangers on a metal bar in the basement, where I do the laundry, for clothes that can't be machine dried. To my surprise, the air drying system that I now must use has been liberating!

Before, I felt like I had to be constantly doing laundry, all day running down to the basement to check if a load was dry yet, and resetting the dryer when it wasn't. Now I can typically do only one load a day, and I wait until the following day to gather the dry clothes from the rack and hangers. I have to do smaller loads, so there is less laundry to deal with at once. I no longer feel overwhelmed. Sometimes things dry so quickly that I can even do two loads in a day. 

My new laundry situation has also made me more conscious to be sure that a load gets washed every day, so I don't have a constant mountain building up. If I had a large family, I might be very frustrated. But as it is, this experience of making due with what I have has resulted in the feeling of a simpler life. I even enjoy the creative outlet of determining how to arrange clothing and linens for maximum use of space! And there is, of course, also the saving of electricity. 

Towels and other items dry stiffly rather than soft, but it really makes no difference in their function. The acceptance of reality, of the way it simply is, helps me to let go of perfectionism. I am reminded of the principle in a book I read about doing less and taking longer to do it. Many people pack as much as they can into each day in an effort to be "productive." I do wonder how much joy is sucked out of the day with that type of approach, and what spiritual deficiencies are brought about with no margin built in, no time to just be. 

Maybe, if we actually did less in a day, we would find ourselves with a surprising abundance of time. And maybe that's precisely what we're afraid of.