Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Carefully Laid Homeschooling Plans...

I spent a lot of time on Sunday making a homeschooling schedule for the week. I thought I could use it as a prototype for generally ordering lesson times, to make sure things like learning the Rosary and practicing piano were accomplished. Then yesterday Beezy's first question was, "Is there school today?" She really didn't wish to do school. Yet somehow she quickly decided that she wanted to do shaving cream writing (based on a variation of Montessori's sandpaper letters), because "it was always my favorite thing." And she wanted to do it first. This was a strange coincidence, because very recently I had been thinking about getting the shaving cream back out. Beezy is still having trouble telling "b" from "d", so a relaxed, three period lesson on these was perfect! We then proceeded with following my original plan for the day. The entire lesson time was only three hours, including breaks for showering, getting dressed, walking the dog, playing, and eating. She also had her piano lesson later on.

This morning when she got up, Beezy asked what we were going to do. I had planned Tuesday as an art day, including a picture study via the Charlotte Mason method. When I talked about cleaning the art easel, refilling the paint cups, and setting up a new arts and crafts area, she didn't seem all that interested. She asked if she could watch "What About Bob?", which she is doing now, in the company of our dog. The thing is, if she wants to be able to do art, we have to keep our supplies in  good condition and have organized access to them. That means she needs to help with these processes! Everyone living in a home needs to pick up after himself and have age-appropriate responsibilities. Everyone benefits from an orderly, well-run household. 

 Bill Murray in "What About Bob?"

We'll see how my art day ends up unfolding. I anticipate that Beezy will be more willing to graciously help with my plans after having been allowed to watch her movie first. I cannot be too attached to my schedule. I have to allow flexibility and for Beezy to follow her interests as part of her educational experiences. At the same time, she does not understand at this point how much she will benefit from a beautiful arts and crafts area, and since "all kinds of cool crafts" is the interest she told me she wants to pursue, then she should have a hand in how this is accomplished. And she already found a basket with lid in which to keep the paint cups. I will put on some great music and let the transformation begin! 

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