Saturday, April 4, 2015

This and That

One thing I have been needing, especially with my lower back issues, is new living room furniture. While I was still single I bought a vintage red velvet couch from a close friend for a steal, and that has been the centerpiece of our living room since our marriage. Last evening we had a sectional delivered from My Furniture Place in Bryan. It's mostly a used furniture and home decor store, but this is a new piece. I am now changing the decorating scheme in the room to be in harmony with the couch. I will feature pictures soon!

I have been steadily working on paring down my wardrobe. I only have pajamas and workout wear to go through, and then I will move on to accessories. One thing I have noticed is that the clothes that have gotten to stay feel more respected and special. I don't mind ironing them, and I really don't like to iron! It is looking as though I won't have to pack away off season clothing, either. There are always those cool summer nights when it's cozy to throw on a sweater and sit on the porch, especially during a lightning storm. And in winter if we went somewhere warm for vacation, I wouldn't have to dig out my summer clothes. It's an experiment, and I'm excited to see how it works out.

My belly dance clothing is mostly getting packed away. I may still be able to dance, though! I have training in various forms of Gypsy dance, and there is a new style I'm going to be working on. It's a Spanish folkloric style with a lot of floreos, foot work, turns, and skirt work. The hip work is minimal, and I think the movements will be safe for my lower back. I'm going to demonstrate for my chiropractor and get the okay first!

We're going on an Easter egg hunt at a friend's house today, and later we'll color eggs for the Easter bunny to hide. I'm looking forward to this season of the liturgical year, celebrating release from the bondage of death, a time of rebirth, new life, salvation, and energetic joy. Behold, the tomb is empty!

Happy Easter, lovely doves!!

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