Monday, October 7, 2019

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary | Embracing Peace

It is now late in the day of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, and I've found a new sense of peace and hope. I have not had the willpower to avoid all news and stay entirely off YouTube, as I planned to this month, but I've gained a new perspective on the issues I've been recently writing about. 

Yesterday while using the computer I saw that Dr. Taylor Marshall was live from Rome on YouTube, and out of curiosity I tuned in. I didn't watch the whole thing, because I could feel my serenity being broken, and I was proud of myself for tuning back out. 

Taylor was bemoaning an indigenous Amazonian tree planting ceremony, led by a woman (quel horreur!), and attended by Pope Francis in the Vatican garden. He basically said that he and his cronies had been commiserating about how they might be able to destroy the tree. It just seemed silly, and the scrupulosity I've seen growing among some traditional Catholics is beginning to grate on my nerves. 

Taylor also spoke about how happy he was to have gone to a High Mass that day, without all the Novus Ordo type "distractions" of altar girls, Eucharistic ministers, communion in the hand, etc... While it's certainly wonderful that he had the privilege of attending the Latin Mass in Rome, and if I were there, I'd welcome the opportunity as well, I felt tired of this typical spiel. 

I had gone to Mass that morning myself. My daughter was an altar server, and my husband was the commentator and lector. Our priest, still weak from cancer treatments, needed to sit during Holy Communion, so everyone received it from a Eucharistic minister. I received on the tongue, which anyone has the choice to do. The kids who will receive the sacrament of Confirmation in February and their parents were called up front for a ceremony, and we prayed for them as a congregation. After Mass we all ate a delicious brunch together and fellowshipped with one another. The entire morning was lovely and Spirit filled, the weather was gorgeous, and I was grateful to be there. 

Here's my point. Dr. Marshall did mention that the Novus Ordo (Ordinary Form) Mass is valid, but he clearly seems to think it's inferior to the Tridentine Mass (Extraordinary Form). After encountering this attitude prevalent on the Internet, I too once became distracted by what were being called the "liturgical abuses" of the Ordinary Form. It turned out that nothing I was concerned about was actually an abuse. I refuse to be influenced anymore by this elitism that attempts to suck the joy out of the fact that I receive the Real Presence of Jesus, body, blood, soul, and divinity, every time I partake of the Eucharist! 

The pews in my Novus Ordo parish church were packed yesterday. I did not feel like a member of a dying Church. It's time for me to go to sleep now, as I pray my Rosary in the dark. And I pray that you let nothing disturb you. Simply be in awe of the wonder of our enduring Faith. 


  1. Amen, Amen, Amen!  I just read Dr. Taylor's book so I know about "disturbances" and couldn't agree more with your beautiful experience at Mass. Jesus is truly present at our "Novus Ordo" Masses and wants to give us his peace. As I was reading this troublesome book, I feel the Lord spoke to me though the daily Mass reading on September 27 from the book of Haggai: " For I am with you, says the Lord of hosts. This is the pact that I made with you when you came out of Egypt, and my spirit continues in your midst: do not fear!" 

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful response, Earlee! I considered reading Dr. Marshall's book, but I felt like I'd heard much of the content via his YouTube show with Timothy Gordon already. I may read it if it becomes available through the library. Thank you also for sharing that lovely Bible verse. It's so easy to fall into fear sometimes. I just need to shut out all the clamorous voices that disturb my peace. It's good to be informed, to a certain extent, but we don't have to wallow in the muck. Godspeed, Rita Michele


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