Thursday, July 16, 2020

Gov. DeWine Fails to Encourage Better Personal Health Habits

Yesterday, July 15, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine gave an impassioned speech to encourage the state's residents to double down on their efforts to "slow the spread" of COVID-19. Although he did concede that mask wearing alone would not be enough to battle the virus, the emphasis was undeniably on this one measure. 

I do believe that Gov. DeWine truly cares about Ohio, as do I. I've lived in this state for my entire life. He is making decisions based on the information and scientific "consensus" that he thinks is best. I admire all of his hard work and positive attitude throughout this entire ordeal. He took quick action in March and has held regular briefings to provide Ohioans with updates ever since. He has allowed protests and, until recently, did not mandate mask wearing in public places, except for employers and employees. (Masks are now mandated in public for everyone living in counties in the "red zone" of his color coding system.) Religious services have always been exempt from the mandates for mass gatherings.

DeWine's tone yesterday seemed to be an attempt at a fatherly approach, trying to be gentle while admonishing the children that they have dropped the ball and need to quit being slackers. The standard parental guilt trip was applied as well. He even played the "killing grandma" card! The pat on the back was given for how well Ohioans rose to the challenge at the start of the pandemic, but now we need to not only wear the masks in public and social distance, we should also go back to isolating ourselves from one another. You know, so we don't kill grandma. 

A neighborly barbeque is too much of a risk. Does he want to keep the economy recovering, and keep people from going insane, or not? We go to grocery stores, hardware stores, shopping malls, work places, fitness centers, and the list goes on. But don't have a family reunion? At least he didn't try to shame us out of going to church. 

The thing is, we were told by credible doctors with immunity expertise that a spike in cases would happen once the country opened back up. Remember California doctors Erickson and Massihi, the urgent care physicians on the front lines that the radical left and mainstream media dismissed as frauds, because they are conservatives? All over social media, their video was taken down, their professional opinion, as immunity experts, silenced.

The good doctors told us that because healthy people had been quarantined, isolated from one another, staying mostly indoors, social distancing, not being exposed to microbes necessary for our health, wearing masks, and all that jazz, people's immunity functioning would be very low, causing an increased vulnerability to pathogens. We would then see a dramatic rise in illnesses. These doctors have now been vindicated. Yet the blame is being squarely placed on people not wearing masks. 

Zach Bush, MD, one of the rare triple board certified doctors in the USA, has said that by wearing the masks, we are killing ourselves. He is not the only one. Doctors have come up with effective treatments for their patients and are saving lives, yet this information has been withheld from the general public. OSHA trained PPE specialists have warned that the widespread mask mandates among people who haven't had the proper health screening and training on mask use are dangerous and potentially deadly. Yet here again, important information the public has a right to is not provided by government officials or the mainstream media. 

And Governor DeWine failed, as have all the high profile doctors on the case, to encourage the one thing that would absolutely improve our situation. That is, to take responsibility for our personal health habits. The USA is a notoriously unhealthy country. We have an obesity epidemic, even among children. Our people smoke, overindulge in alcohol, suffer from alarming rates of drug addiction, are largely sedentary, don't get enough exercise, fresh air, sleep, or sunshine; eat too much junk food and are nutrition deprived, work too much and have high stress levels and crappy relationships. If we had taken better care of ourselves in the first place, and if we had quarantined only the high risk and sick people, we would not be in the royal mess we are in--although the whole question of increasing cases is subject to debate in regard to how much of the rise is due to exponentially more testing, and the death rate keeps going down. 

Why aren't we being told to slim down, quit eating so much sugar and junk, eat nourishing foods, get outside in the sun and fresh air, reduce our stress (the media encourages stress!), exercise, take a vitamin and mineral supplement, especially zinc and vitamins C and D, get enough sleep, and spend time--in person--with loved ones with whom we have healthy relationships??? The trinity of excellent health and a strong immune system is comprised of good sleep, food, and exercise habits. God designed us to be social creatures. Hugs are proven to promote good health. Happy relationships reduce stress. Contact with others and the microbes that are necessary for our health is key to managing this crisis. It seems all the wrong things are being promoted, and people are obeying the narrative like followers of a cult. (The "coronavirus cult" will be a future topic, so stay tuned!)

Since I can't control other people, places, or things, I am choosing to focus on my own personal health and that of my family as a whole. I'm doing the things proven to support good health. It's not too late for folks to develop better health habits and for it to make a difference in the number of hospitalizations and deaths. We should have been encouraged to do the right things back in March. We should have been told that this virus is a wake up call, that we need to live better. We need to change the way we grow food and produce meat and dairy products. We need to stop producing so much air pollution from both city industries and chemical farming (Roundup) in rural areas. We need to stop killing ourselves with our lifestyle so we will be strong enough to deal with an epidemic. We need to encourage herd immunity. 

Mask wearing is a psychological bandage at best, for most people in most cases, and is already causing injury and could lead to death. It hasn't been proven to help. What if it's significantly contributing to sickness? I encourage everyone to fight for health freedom and to take personal responsibility for the state of your own health!

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