Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Preservation of Liberty


In my Jan. 4 post, I listed three themes that Organic Mothering will be centered around this year. Considering the storming of the Capitol in D.C. during the Electoral College hearings yesterday, and the imminency of the Biden/Harris presidency, I will begin with the theme, the preservation of liberty

Like tens of millions of other Americans, many of whom believe that we just witnessed a fraudulent presidential election, I see disaster awaiting us with the new regime. The idea of the USA becoming a satellite of the Chinese Communist Party no longer seems like a dystopian fantasy. The Biden family has close ties to China, as was unearthed via the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Joe Biden's will be a highly compromised administration at best. As vice president, Kamala Harris will have the power to break any tie in the Senate, which is now split 50/50 along party lines. The House has a Democrat majority. So the Executive and Legislative Branches will be under nearly unchecked Leftist control. The only possible checks and balances I see would be sane Senate Democrats brave enough to vote against any overreach or unconstitutional moves by the Exective Branch, and the supposedly conservative majority of the Supreme Court. That isn't much to bank on. 

With the federal government basically lost, what can Patriots do to preserve liberty? The best plan seems to be to revert our focus to states' rights and local governments. As Catholic author and YouTuber Timothy Gordon has said, we need to think of each state as it's own Republic. Here is his most recent video, which outlines the plan:

Gordon recommends the introduction and first two chapters of his own book, Catholic Republic, to understand the concepts of nullification and interposition, laid out by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, respectively. Our third president and author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, wrote "The Kentucky Resolution," and James Madison, our fourth president and author of our U.S. Constitution, wrote "The Virginia Resolution." Their concepts and resolutions reflect the same basic premise, and as these men are fathers of our nation, they can by no means be dismissed as radicals. 

I have ordered Gordon's book and will post my reflections down the road. In the meantime, get it ordered yourself and read the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, which are both short and can be found together here:

Gordon sees nullification/interposition as first steps to blocking federal tyrrany. He seems to feel that secession movements are in our future. Though he stops short of saying the word in the above video, it is strongly implied. His belief is that Patriots living in blue states need to move to red states ASAP, in preparation for the fight to come. The COVID-19 response has provided us a good picture for which states are the most determined to stay free. 

Godspeed, Rita Michele

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