Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Habemus Papam!!

Wow, what a monumental day! I so wanted to go on Facebook and talk about the new Pope, but I gave FB up for Lent!! I shared the historic moment with my daughter this afternoon, who because she is homeschooled was able to sit beside me and watch EWTN's online coverage, each of us sharing an ear bob of the headphones. I cannot describe my feelings when I saw the white smoke and heard the joyful roar of the crowd waiting in the rain at St. Peter's Square. Or the awe I felt when I saw Pope Francis for the first time, so humble, such love and gratitude in his voice. I was looking at the Vicar of Christ on my computer screen. The Vicar of Christ!! I will never forget it, and I am so happy to be coming into this Church in 17 days. Thank you, Spirit of God, Ruah Elohim, for this blessing.


  1. Congratulations on your entry into the church! That's so exciting! My conversion (14 years ago) completely changed my life and my family's, too.

    We are excited about our new pope, too. He seems very holy and gentle.

    God bless, Rita:-)

  2. Thanks so much, Vicky!! I love hearing from other converts and the positive changes in their lives.


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