Monday, June 10, 2013


Summer is still feeling a bit uncertain, it seems. Our public pool opened today, and though it was only 68 degrees and had been raining on and off, Beezy was really excited, so bravely we went! She slid down the tornado water side twice, and that was it. It was just too chilly for her to swim. I knew going in that this was likely to happen, but rather than arguing about the weather, I allowed my child to find out for herself why such days do not make for excellent pool days. I told her afterward that it costs $2 to get in, and that while I didn't want her to feel bad about it, next time we come she needs to be in the water. So if she thinks it might not be warm enough, it would be best to make a different choice. A great lesson learned, and wonderful practice for me of the ideas gleaned from unschooling!

Just as with the slow start to spring this year, my yard tells me what season it is (although summer has not officially begun), regardless of the weather. Summer flowers are blooming and everything is filling in with green. Enjoy these lush, visual delights!!

 coleus, begonias, and geraniums

I plant these urns with some of the soil left over from last year, compost from our pile, and a little topsoil to cover.


Everything's coming up roses...



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