Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday's Sorrowful Mysteries

After dropping off Beezy for her parks and recreation summer camp program this morning, I looked at the Facebook news feed. I don't do this often, but today someone had posted Friday's Sorrowful Mysteries from the blog, My Mother's Rosary ( The Rosary being said has accompanying pictures to aid in meditation. Very nice way to start the day!

I went to daily Mass on Wednesday morning, and I was blessed with healing. I do believe that if we continue to take Jesus, body, blood, soul, and divinity, into ourselves in the Holy Eucharist regularly, we will certainly be healed, in whatever way our Lord chooses to give it to us. "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed." This prayer is spoken at every Mass. As we pray, so do we believe.

I think I had to face those painful shards, to acknowledge their presence and pray for healing, and to write about it, so I could give it all a place to rest outside of myself and offer up my suffering. Maybe it will bless someone else. The day is cool and lovely, and I am feeling hopeful and at peace. Have a joyful weekend, everyone!


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