Thursday, October 26, 2017

Our New Homeschool Room!

   The fall chill has finally really arrived, complete with frost on the grass this morning. This means our days of homeschooling on the front porch have come to an end. And besides, there's a family of kittens and their mama living on the porch, and I'm allergic.
   This, combined with my husband working mostly from home now, inspired me to create a homeschool room. We've always just done lessons in the living room, but with it being right next to the dining room where Husband works, this is no longer convenient. Also, since we just started using Saxon Math, we really need a table space on a daily basis. 
   I'd considered making the homeschool room in what was once my dance studio, and where Beezy practices on the piano keyboard. But this room is going to take a lot of time to overhaul. So for now I've set up the lesson area in our front hallway. We and our visitors typically come in the back door. My only concern is that there will be too cold a draft in the winter, though hopefully Husband can do some weather proofing. And by then I should have the other room finished.
   As you can see from the pictures, we decorate for Halloween! Our home was built in 1908 and has a lot of great vintage features.

      The brown train case on top of the table was a gift from my sister. She found it in the attic of her house. It had belonged to an elderly woman who lived there previously, and it has my initials! (This is our "Math Box".) The lamp belonged to one of my great-grandmothers, and the lace "shade" is actually a chapel veil over a clear glass hurricane cover. The wooden chairs, which you can view in the photo at the top, were salvaged during a big trash pick-up day in our town. The toy horse is a souvenir from Poland which an old neighbor brought me as a thanks for taking care of his cat.

    This shelf unit holds all of the books we're using for this school year. The basket on top contains the books we're currently using this week. 

The desk-chair and globe were a gift from my mother and were discovered at a used furniture store.

   And a few more pics...

   I probably should have used the flash for at least some of these, but I think you can see that we get a lot of natural light. I hoped you've enjoyed your visit to my home!!

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