Monday, July 23, 2018

Small Pleasures

I really can't say exactly why I haven't posted since March! After doing my video on my vegetarian-to-vegan journey, my intention was to continue to make weekly videos. That proved difficult, as I rarely have the house to myself. I did make another video, but I decided it was too long. Also, I had discussed using a particular homeschooling curriculum this coming fall, but I later changed my mind about it. So that video never got posted. 

I've been in a bit of a malaise this summer, and today I remembered something Fr. Dave said at my last confession. He told me that I need to do things that are just for me, that I enjoy. We moms know this is important, yet sometimes we don't even realize when we are neglecting ourselves. 

A small thing that I enjoy is putting together cut flower arrangements from my yard in a Ball Mason jar. The picture above shows the one I created today for my backyard patio. I've also been making them to take to my grandmother, who is recuperating from surgery and getting physical therapy at a nursing home. She appreciates it so much!

Blogging is one of my pleasures, as is taking photographs, and this is a practice that I need to commit to getting back to. I do intend to make more youtube videos for the blog as well. I may just have to send my husband and daughter out of the house for ice cream so I have the time alone. 

I think that simple pleasures are an integral element of minimalism. Our society has conditioned us to expect constant entertainment and stimulation. It's easy to overlook the humble but deeply fulfilling possibilities in the everyday things of life. Just tidying my porch and patio space today got me outside for awhile, providing me contact with nature, fresh air, exercise, and a few moments of creativity. These are the kinds of acts that can help keep us in the flow of life and make sacred our ordinary routines. 

So my message for today is to enjoy a simple pleasure that is just for you. It doesn't have to be anything grand. Maybe it's taking a walk by yourself, watching a favorite Netflix show, working in your garden, baking some cookies, or talking to a friend. Try to find some little way to nurture yourself every day. 

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