
Thursday, August 1, 2019

On Self-Possession & Setting Boundaries | Social Media

I created this video last month on an exceedingly hot day, and I was very tired. The message is perhaps not as succinct as my previous #WalkAway videos, so I've debated publishing it here at the blog. However, I think the topics presented are important, and I've taken some additional steps in regard to social media since I posted this at YouTube. 

I've deactivated from Facebook. I had two accounts and deactivated one of them months ago, and the other just last week. I'm considering permanently deleting both accounts. I will probably write a more detailed post with all the issues I've encountered, once I've had time to fully detox. 

I've also turned off the comment option here at the blog for the time being. I'm going to be honest about the reason for this. For many years I've been cyber bullied by someone I know. I feel stalked. I thought this abuse had ended, but when I recently discovered comments awaiting moderation that I had received no notification for, I found a barrage of vitriol from this person.

It's alarming that conservative views are increasingly being censored on large social media and news platforms. I want to be able to fight the good fight against this, but doing so puts me in the firing squad of personal attacks. Publishing hateful, obsessive comments of the kind I've been getting would make my blog look unprofessional and would create a hostile place for well-meaning folks to visit. When I set boundaries to protect my personal space and emotional health, I am being told that I'm "censoring" liberal views. 

My refusal to continue futile arguments on Facebook when I'd already allowed persons ample space to express their divergent views is not censorship. It's a healthy response. So many people do not respect the boundaries and rights of others, and this is simply more proof that the political left has gone off the rails. It used to be that "hijacking" a thread was bad manners, but more and more we see good manners going the way of the dinosaur. 

Conservative author and media personality Milo Yiannopoulos, who has been banned from every social media imaginable, has stated his feeling that these platforms are not going to last the long haul. I think he's right. We are going to have to find other means for protecting free speech, and other methods that will produce more productive means of communication. 

I have closed comments on my YouTube channel as well. It's very unfortunate that I can't feel safe, but that is the sad situation. I would love to be able to welcome all views, in response to the actual content I create, and to be able to take joy in these things that bring me happiness and that help other people to feel inspired and supported. 

I don't have the answers yet for how to proceed, but I will keep readers posted. Thank you for your patience and understanding as I navigate these tempestuous waters. I am safe under Mary's mantle, and I pray that all will feel so protected and blessed.

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