Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 Survival at Home | FlyLady's Top Three

Well, here we are living the new normal, which literally changes every day. My great state of Ohio seems to be leading the way through this novel coronavirus pandemic, a.k.a, COVID-19. As Ohio goes, so goes the rest of the country, and this is true in many ways, not just in regard to political elections. A part of me, the me on days when the sun doesn't shine, had been thinking that no one wants a Pollyanna pep talk right now. And I agree with myself to some degree even when the sun is shining. But being a lifelong Ohioan, let's just assume that I have something of help to offer, the type of good common sense that this state is renowned for. 

What we need right now are basic survival tools, because lots of folks not used to working at home, or not working at all, and/or dealing with their kids doing school-at-home--quite possibly for the rest of the school year--are already feeling like they just can't. But the hard, cold truth is that we must, so suck it up, buttercup!

I had mastered the FlyLady Baby Steps that I wrote about previously, and nailed my daily routines. But I realized that I busted my behind all day just to get those things done, leaving no time for anything else. I hadn't even gotten to weekly cleaning schedules and the like. I felt satisfied that I had accomplished a great deal and had the tools on hand when I needed them, so I could just let up on checking off boxes and only do FlyLady when I wanted to. But it's very clear to me at this point that things are going to get very ugly very fast if I don't get back on the wagon. Time to sober up, sisters! 

I was right in that I still had too many items on my morning, afternoon, and evening routines, even after paring them all down. I am used to working from home and homeschooling. But things have gotten extreme and will get worse before they get better, so I'm taking a cue from the 12-Step programs and doing First Things First. I'm starting again with FlyLady's Top Three: 

1) Put out tomorrow's outfit tonight. Iron anything that needs it, and choose the entire ensemble, down to underwear, socks, and jewelry.

2) After dinner each night, get the dishes out of the sink and shine it. (Lots of videos and other online sources can explain to you about shining your sink.)

3) In the morning, get dressed to shoes. Your outfit is already ready! Do something with your hair and put on a little makeup, if you usually wear it.

Just start with that this week. We do not want to let ourselves go, staying in our bathrobes until 2:00 in the afternoon, thinking who cares, no one will see us. We will see us. Our families will see us. And we will feel like serious crap. Look presentable, and you will have more energy and get more done. It's all psychological, yes, but you will be more productive wearing a bra. You will be happier if you keep up with your dishes. It doesn't matter why this is true. Truth is Truth. 

I gave up Facebook for Lent, but I'm going to post my blog, because I think it's important. However, I will not be having conversations there. I will not be receiving any email notifications. I just want to be of service in my own small way. So comment here at the blog if you want to dialogue! We can do this. We have to. 

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