Monday, March 23, 2020

FlyLady Toolbox | Using a Timer | 15 Minute Whole House Declutter

One of the best things I learned from FlyLady Diane in Denmark's  31 Baby Steps YouTube series was to religiously use a timer. This can be an oven timer, timer app on your phone, or a good, old-fashioned kitchen timer that dings when your set minutes are up. I've used a timer for completing projects in the past, but for whatever reason, Diane's way of doing it was most effective and convincing. 

The benefit to using a timer is that you are limiting the time you spend on any one task, making it more likely that you will not only make a start, but finish it. It will also keep you from wasting precious time doing things like surfing the internet. When you sit down to use your computer or phone for checking email, social media, the weather, etc., set that timer for 15 minutes. When it goes off, you stop, even if you are mid-sentence in a Facebook comment. 

This practice actually has Judeo-Christian roots. Think of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, which teaches that there is a time for every purpose under Heaven. Imagine a monastic life of prayer, sleep, eating, work, and recreation, where one moves on to the next task when the bells ring, simply because it is time to do so. Especially during our current COVID-19 semi-quarantine, we can adopt a monastic mindset for our home life.

What I want you to add to your daily routine today is a 15-minute, whole house declutter. Now, I have a large home, and I primarily use this only for the downstairs. All you do is walk from room to room, throwing away trash, straightening the sofa covers and cushions, taking dishes from other rooms to the kitchen, and anything else that will put your home quickly back in order. 

Once you do this regularly, it will often not take the full 15 minutes. You can use the remaining time to wash up a few dishes, wipe crumbs off the counters, or make yourself a cup of tea! This is a good task for evening, so that in the morning you are facing a relatively clean house. But any time during the day works. 

Do not underestimate this tool for managing your time. If used diligently, you will find that setting a timer will quickly make a difference in accomplishing all of those tasks you've been procrastinating. More timer tips will follow, so stayed tuned! 

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