Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How to Be Brave | The Origin of Human Dignity & Freedom

Yesterday I wrote about being brave. And moving on from the coronavirus. I realize today that I've faced much worse than this "new normal" of the pandemic. I've experienced sheer terror, and I've suffered tremendous grief. Think about what you have already survived in this life, and remember Who is the fountain of your strength. 

The media, scientists, and our government leaders have focused so much attention on this one disease that you would think there is nothing else out there. Every serious illness and health condition imaginable is only worsened by stress, and in fact very often has stress as its underlying culprit. Yet we are being encouraged to live in a constant state of panic as a way of staying healthy. This is not sane behavior. 

What if you were to choose, just for today, to silence the cacophany? Go to the Lord in the silence of your heart. Go to Him until you can hear no other voice. Then listen. What is your vocation? What is He asking you to do? It may be as simple as hugging your spouse and children, preparing a meal, throwing a load of laundry in the wash. Walk the dogs. Write a poem. Reach out to someone who is sick, depressed, or lonely. Be of service. 

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." There is no other Way. There is no other Truth. There is no other Life. Our dignity and freedom as human beings come directly from Him, the one, true God in whose image and likeness we are gloriously made. We are free only because Our Lord overcame sin and death. If we don't know this, we know nothing. 

We obey our leaders to the extent that they know and believe this Truth. We claim our freedom from Christ crucified and resurrected, not from the government. The USA was founded upon these self-evident truths. Our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness flow directly from our divine origins and the grace of God. This is why some, those who wish fervently for a socialist and communist regime, reject both our Constitution and Our Lord. They know that to uphold the one is to uphold the other. Freedom is tied directly to Faith. 

Go in silence to pray. Pray without ceasing. When the boat rocks and the seas rage, look full in His wonderful face. That is all. 

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