Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How to Let Go of Your Story (Part 2)

I thought about going back to the previous post and removing the "Part 1" from the title. I feel overwhelmed by this concept of letting go, or transcending, the story of what my life has been. It seems like this topic could have endless parts. Yet perhaps I can take it a bit at a time, not looking too far ahead, and just see where the path leads. 

Along the lines of Dr. Zach Bush's thinking, I do believe it's possible to set on the path to a whole new life in one day, to make not only a beginning, but even a dramatic shift; however, I don't think the change can possibly be completed in a 24-hour period. And that probably isn't what he was implying anyway. 

I found a place to start in today's Gospel reading, from Matthew 7:6, 12-14 (DRV), in the words of Jesus:

"Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you... All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them. For this is the law and the prophets. Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!" 

The image at the top of the page shows a man weighted by the burden of sin, his baggage too broad to enter through the narrow gate. It seems that more and more people are daily choosing the wide, winding gate over the straight and narrow, pushing through it in misguided droves. The souls of many in our nation and around the world are in a dire state. I don't believe this is a time, during intense civil unrest, to advocate for positive thinking and merely hope for the best. I think the time is well overdue for calling a spade a spade. 

What we're seeing in America are the dogs and swine trampling on the pearls, tearing away at what is good, true, and beautiful. These people spit upon the Golden Rule. They do unto others what they would never accept being done to them. I will not associate with anyone who supports the violence and destruction. These villains don't want to go anywhere near the narrow gate. They despise what is holy. 

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group with an open agenda of Marxism. They are narcissists who care for no one but themselves; opportunists with purely political motivations, without an ounce of understanding of human dignity. Not only do individuals need to let go of their own stories; but if this country is to be saved, we have to reject, as a people, the evil intentions of those who are violently thrusting stories upon us, shoving their narrative down our throats. If we do not swallow the bile of these stories, we will be called racists, white supremacists, bigots, and the list goes on. We will be persecuted. So be it.

I think that detaching from the Marxist narrative, turning our backs to it, dropping the baggage of their twisted stories, and pointing our souls toward the narrow gate is the only solution. If what Dr. Bush was talking about is a practice of detachment, and I believe it is, then we need to seek knowledge of what a Christian detachment looks like, which I believe to be a key element on the pilgrimage to sainthood. 

Like our spiritual ancestors, we must become, once again, pilgrims. It's horrific seeing the statues fall at the hands of felons. It's terrifying seeing mobs destroy lives, businesses, history, law and order. The only response I can cling to now is detachment. Their story is not my story. Their story is not the story of America the Beautiful. Their idea of utopia is a path of slavery. Oh, the irony. 

Dive into the Word. Receive the sacraments. Go to Confession and rid yourself of sin and guilt. Become clean, living in a state of supernatural Grace. Wear the pearl of great price. Detach from the efforts of persecution. Call evil what it is. Yes, slavery and racism are evil, and that is exactly the agenda of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, and all of their ilk. But we must remember to pray for those afflicted with malice and lies, both those who lead others astray, and the ones who are mislead. Prayer is the beginning, and the primary vehicle, of detachment. 

If enough of us transcend our stories, we will experience a sea change. Let the marauders do what they will, showing their true colors, and discontinue validating their stories with "diplomatic" responses. Allow them to reap what they sew. Silence is golden. And then, there will come a time to break silence...

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