Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett | A Turning Point for America | Coronacult Weakens Its Hold


My, how suddenly the tide can turn! I was feeling very discouraged at the time of my last post, but things definitely seem to be heading in a better direction. 

On Sept. 18, liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a staunch supporter of unlimited abortion rights, died of cancer. Though she had been ill for some time, the timing of her death, so close to the upcoming presidential election, came as a shock to many. President Trump wasted no time in proceeding with his duty to fill the gap in the court, nominating conservative Catholic Amy Coney Barrett this past Saturday. It's expected that the Senate will confirm her before the election. 

I prayed for Ruth and do hope that God had mercy on her soul. But I honestly felt a profound sense of relief at the news of her death. It seemed to mark the end of an era plagued by the ungodliness of radical feminism and the scourge of abortion that it has produced under the guise of women's health and reproductive rights. Ruth literally sanctioned the murder of millions of children in the wombs of their mothers, and this unthinkable evil has become the primary platform issue of the Democrat Party. 

Amy Coney Barrett has made her Catholic faith and pro-life stance no secret. She is the mother of 7 children, 5 of them biological, and two adopted from Haiti. Her youngest is a special needs child. Amy's qualifications are of the highest order and are undeniable, and Democrats are unlikely to find any skeletons in her closet. Though you would think that her adoption of two black children would rule out the Left's ability to play the racist card, Amy has already been called a white supremacist specifically because she adopted them!

Anyone with a dollop of good sense sees right through this theater of the absurd, and all it does is make the Dems look bad, and pitiful. Biden and Harris have recently scurried to do damage control after they realized that the BLM/Antifa rioting was hurting them in the polls. A little too little, a little too late, they condemned the domestic terrorism and many-months-long violence. The truth of every case of supposedly unwarranted, lethal police action against black criminals has eventually come to light, exposing the media for their lies, bias, misinformation, and stoking of a race war. Blaming the president for the mess the media and Democrat governmant leaders have themselves caused isn't working anymore. 

Likewise, the coronacult is losing its grip. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently opened the state completely back up, eliminating mask requirements and prohibiting the forced closure of businesses. Restaurants and bars can open to 100% capacity. Local officials can only limit them to 50% if they can prove the necessity. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has been gaining in popularity with people from other states, because she never locked her state down or imposed draconian mandates and restrictions. She's grabbed a lot of media attention for her enthusiastic invitation to other states to come visit her land of the free, and thumbing her nose at social distancing. All we need are a few more states to go back to normal social and business activity, and the pressure will be on for the rest of the country to follow suit. 

I believe that people on the fence will be emboldened by these recent events to go out on Nov. 3 and re-elect President Trump. Though they may not like Trump very well, they are waking up to what they have to lose if Biden and Harris take over the White House, which basically is America as they know it. People are tired of the coronacult fear mongering and tyranny, and they want to see the restoration of law and order. The hold of the sorcery is breaking. I predict that those of us who support Trump's commitment to patriotism and the upholding of the Constitution as it is written, those who value religious liberty, freedom of speech, the right to peaceably gather, the right to life, and the right to bear arms will turn out in droves (and in person whenever possible!) to save our country. 

As Laura Ingraham put it on Fox News, it is the choice between liberty or lockdown; strength or submission; the Constitution or chaos. And the choice is clear. 

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