Sunday, June 16, 2019

Trinity Sunday | A Big Thank-You to My Readers

Happy Feast of the Most Holy Trinity! And happy Father's Day to all the good men of God. We're having yet another day of rain in northern Ohio, but I was gifted with a ray of sunshine this morning and am filled with gratitude. 

A couple of days ago I made a YouTube video about the #WalkAway Campaign, which you can view and read about in the previous post. I happened to be on Facebook when a comment notification appeared in the corner of my screen, but it wasn't clear where it was coming from. I went here to the blog but didn't see any notice of a new comment. On a whim I checked to see if there was anything awaiting approval. It turned out that the comment on the #WalkAway post was made at YouTube itself, but in my blog box I found a whole bunch of thoughtful remarks from readers that I had no idea were there! Apparently the notifications feature hasn't been working for some time. 

I feel so encouraged by all the women who took the time to respond to my writing in such lovely ways. What especially struck me is that my articles resonate with both Protestants and Catholics. One of my missions is to work for Christian unity, and I feel affirmed that I'm on the right track. The Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is our model for Christian unity. We are one in the Spirit, as the song goes!

Another thing that really stood out was that these women could disagree with me on certain points in a generous and gracious way. I always welcome divergent views. What I don't tolerate are personal attacks on myself, other individuals, or groups of people. I think most of us get really discouraged on social media, because expressing any strong opinion, or calling out the ugliness we're bombarded with, often results in a vitriolic reaction. To have people respond to my blog in the overwhelmingly positive way that they have does my heart so much good.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who takes the time to read Organic Mothering, and especially to those who have let me know that they support my mission and have received help and inspiration from my words. Finding this gift of your comments today has reinvigorated me to continue this work with confidence. Please be patient as I gradually go through them with my replies. Godspeed!!

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