Monday, June 24, 2019

#WalkAway Series, No. 2 | Political Correctness | Frog Boiling | Catholic Perspective

In the first video of this series, I discussed the censorship and silencing of Republicans/conservatives by the extreme leftist agenda. In this second video, I explore my experience with political correctness, beginning during my college years in the late 1980s. I believe that the PC Mafia that has since gained tremendous force is the vehicle by which the silencing of traditional, conservative views and values has taken place. 

Words are powerful, and the PC agenda has used the hijacking of language to control people's thoughts and behaviors.  I relate this to the concept of "frog boiling," in which a frog put in cold water that is gradually heated to boiling will not jump out to save itself. We've become desensitized to the manipulation of the Democratic Party and the liberal media. The political correctness that once seemed to be a benign seeking of justice has evolved into a radical, ideological oppression. 

Many pieces of the big picture have been put into place through politically correct control tactics. The next topic I will explore is one of these prime movers, feminism. As a woman, I can speak to this topic through personal experience. But one effect of feminism has been the silencing of men. I look forward to hearing the views of both sexes on this provocative topic!

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